Team motivation needs to work in a way that resonates with our next-gen workers. One way to do this is by providing a meaningful context for their work. In this article, we’ll explore how you can articulate your organization’s “why” and clarify your direction, as well as how to make your strategy real and interactive.
Team Motivation Driven by Context
According to Simon Sinek, teams are motivated by purpose, not profit. This is especially true for the next-gen workers who are looking for meaning in their work. Therefore, it’s important to articulate your organization’s “why” to give your team members a sense of purpose.
To clarify your organization’s direction, Prof Roger Martin suggests creating a strategy statement that answers three questions: What is our winning aspiration? Where will we play? How will we win? By answering these questions, you can provide your team members with a clear sense of direction.
Team Motivation Through Interactive Strategy
Team motivation can be driven by simply getting off slide decks. Slide decks are great for presenting information, but they are not so great for making your strategy real and interactive. That’s where an interactive strategy tree comes in. An interactive strategy tree is a visual representation of your strategy that allows you to connect the dots between your goals, subgoals and actions.
To execute an interactive strategy tree, you need to break down your strategy into smaller, manageable chunks. The best practice is to write goals as “verb noun”. Each node of the tree has its own card for collaboration/execution, so everyone can feel part of and contribute to the strategy.

image: strategy page of
Team Motivation Metrics: Strategy vs OKRs
Performance measures to sustain team motivation are crucial. The strategy tree and quarter objectives are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they complement each other. The strategy tree provides the context for your quarter objectives, while the quarter objectives help you execute your strategy.
As a leader, you need to make sure that your team is working on both short and longer-term initiatives. By breaking down your strategy into quarter objectives, you can ensure that your team is making progress towards your long-term goals.
Our Strategy is a bit Fluid and Vague, is that normal?
Yes, it’s normal for your strategy to be a bit fluid and vague. Strategies need to be adaptable to changing circumstances. However, it’s important to make sure that your strategy is tangible and clear, based on what you know now.
This is where #stratapp comes in. #stratapp is a strategy execution app that helps make strategy tangible and clear. With #stratapp, you can create an interactive strategy tree and quarter objectives that align with your long-term strategy. You can also track progress towards your goals and adjust your strategy as needed.
In conclusion, motivating your teams with meaningful context is essential for success in today’s fast-paced work environment. By articulating your organization’s “why” and clarifying your direction, making your strategy real and interactive, working on both short and longer-term initiatives and using a strategy execution software like #stratapp, you can ensure that your team is aligned and working towards a common goal. Don’t forget to check out for more information on the best strategy execution software app to drive team motivation.