why should I refer #stratapp?

There are 3 reasons to refer #stratapp:

  1. add value to others
  2. make money
  3. gain an edge

$US40,000 in referral fees equates to only 5 clients of 1,200 users each.

That’s not many, when you think about how many people you know.

We have one referrer in Virginia USA who, in the last month, has introduced 14x potential clients ranging from 20 to 60,000 employees, totalling over 500,000 employees.

who are the ideal clients?

#stratapp is sector, geography, culture and size agnostic.

#stratapp suits most organizations, from 5 to 500,000 employees.

You can refer #stratapp into any level of a potential client – team member, team leader, manager, senior manager, executive or business owner.

It does not have to be a CxO role or business owner, although these roles have the most influence and will join the dots on the competitive advantage and business valuation potential of #stratapp.

what is the referral model?

We offer 2 types:

  1. referral partner (which can be anyone, including employees of clients) – 10% of SaaS fees for the first 18 months on clients they referrer
  2. business partner (by invitation) – 10% of SaaS fees for life, plus 10% for life from the clients of other business partners they introduce

We are also working on an equity partner model, which you can read about here.

what is the referral process?

We keep it simple:

  1. register the potential client – by emailing [email protected], so we can first check the potential client does not already belong to another referrer
  2. introduce the potential client
  3. receive % of SaaS fees – paid to you quarterly, when the client reaches 20 or more paid users

how can I learn more?

Here is a short deck on how to make money referring #stratapp.

what can I share with potential clients?

You may share these useful links with potential clients.

thank you

Thank you for taking the time to read about our referral model.

If you can think of others who may benefit from making some extra money, especially those working in B2B services (e.g. consultants, coaches, agencies and professional services), feel free to share this article with them.